
Project maintained by JonathanXSG Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



During the technology era, we have seen a new way to see the media. From drawings digitized, movies, series, clips, live streaming, animations, etc. We as a group thought that a good way to continue those trends came in one idea: Programing Animation Language (PAL). This programming language is intended to create animations and then export them as a GIF file. Our goal is to create an easy to use tool for users to bring ideas to life and explore their imagination. It is a new way to express your creativity with something simple and fun. One of the main purposes of our project is to improve the world of short animations, making it easier and accessible to create, so that even children can use. This is done by simplifying the process, not requiring advanced skills in programming and graphic design.





PAL uses the modules and PAL_parser is the main module that runs the application. It contains the main methods of the application. User input is parsed by yacc using the PLY library. These functions define grammar characteristics of the language. The yacc parser must match the functions found in PAL_parser module with the command entered by the user, considering the tokens defined in the lexer file for PAL. The tokens form the regular expression that will be matched and the execute the command. PAL uses the following libraries: Imageio: Imageio is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, video, volumetric data, and scientific formats. It is cross-platform, runs on Python 2.7 and 3.4+, and is easy to install. We will be using this library for exporting the finished animation. PLY: also referred as Python Lex- Yacc, is a parsing tool written in Python and implements the Lex parsing tool. This tool s divided in both stages, the lexical analyzer( lex) is the one responsible that all the syntax what the user writes follows the rules specified by the Developers. The second one is yac, practically yac is the one that parses de code. Tkinter: Tkinter is Python’s de-facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) package, used in pal module to provide the graphics needed. PIL: The Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and Contributors. _Thread: The thread module provides a basic synchronization data structure called a lock object The synchronization primitives go hand in hand with thread management.

Language Functions and Commands